Looking to try out some Essential Oils in 2022, but unsure where to start? Here are some Base Essentials pure essential oils and pure essential oil blends that can help you start off the new year motivated and happy.
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Most people know peppermint oil for its great smell and calming effect, but it can also be nature’s answer to unwanted pests & pesky bacteria. Peppermint can be used as flavouring, in cleaning, and in medicine. It is a great,...
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Essential oils are used by many different practitioners and in many personal care products across the world. There is a lot of advice online on how to use your essential oils, from topical use to aromatherapy. At Base Essentials, we...
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You’ve probably heard the term “aromatherapy” before, and if you’re like most people, you might not have much of a clue as to what that really means. Can smells really reduce stress? Help you sleep better? The answer to these...
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