8 Practical Uses for Peppermint Oil

Most people know peppermint oil for its great smell and calming effect, but it can also be nature’s answer to unwanted pests & pesky bacteria. Peppermint can be used as flavouring, in cleaning, and in medicine. It is a great, non toxic alternative to pesticides, and therefore is safe to keep in the house while you have little kids running around! If you are interested in a way to use this multifaceted oil in your everyday life, take a look below at some of the great, practical uses for peppermint oil.
- Peppermint oil as natural insect repellent: a more affordable and less wasteful alternative to store bought repellents, one can mix 30mL of peppermint oil with 30mL of water into a spray bottle, shake well, and there you have it - a skin friendly and non toxic approach to warding off insect bites!
- Peppermint oil as natural pesticide: Peppermint oil is a natural alternative to toxic, chemically harmful pesticides. If you don't have those toxins in your kitchen, you shouldn't spray them on your garden veg! Mix 10 drops of peppermint with 3 drops of natural dishwashing detergent, then shake up the rest of the small spray bottle with water & you have a tummy safe, eco friendly pesticide for your plants.
- Peppermint oil for bath time: Peppermint oil relaxes the muscles, and smells great. When you are having a much deserved self care session, put a few properly diluted drops of peppermint oil in your bath. Diluting your oils is important, this can be done by first mixing them with soap so they disperse in the water, or by combining them with a pure carrier oil.
- Peppermint oil as natural deodorant: There is an increasing awareness of the dangers of aluminium components in non-natural deodorants. You might even consider making your own using peppermint oil! This is an affordable & eco friendly method of showing your body respect- bicarbonate soda, coconut oil & peppermint oil will take you very far.
- Peppermint oil for tummy aches: Peppermint oil is an antispasmodic, meaning that it can be used to relieve upset stomachs and symptoms of IBS. Adding 1-2 drops of peppermint oil in 30 mL of water and properly stirring can help treat bloating and reduce tummy pain.
- Peppermint oil to treat a bad cold: If you are suffering from a bad cold or a pesky cough, rubbing peppermint oil (properly diluted with a carrier oil) onto your chest can help you breathe deeper. For a stuffy head, add a couple drops of the oil into a bowl of hot water. While draping a towel over your head, take deep, full breaths to inhale the minty steam.
- Peppermint oil for dandruff: You can add peppermint oil directly into your shampoo bottles to help treat mild dandruff! Be careful with how much you add - the safe and recommended amount is approx 5 drops per ounce.
- Peppermint oil to freshen up your laundry: This one’s a bonus! Not wanting to buy toxin filled heavily scented laundry detergent can leave you with some longing for that clean, fresh laundry smell. A tip for achieving a more natural version of this is to put a few drops of peppermint oil in your washing machine alongside your unscented laundry soap. It makes all the difference while taking a toll on the environment, and potentially irritating the skin with chemical fragrances.
Peppermint oil is obviously great when used in a diffuser, and can make a room smell extra fresh and clean, but this wonderful oil also offers great, natural solutions to various everyday problems.